Monday, December 19, 2005

Idiots guide to increasing blog traffic - part 2

Over the last two weeks I've had a significant increase of traffic coming to my blog. This is by no means a huge number but it's fun to watch the increase. I can attribute a large number of these hits to one referring URL, James Robertson's blog , Column Two . Thanks!

I've been investigating how to get blogs noticed for some time. Back in July, I described my first attempts in the posting "Idiots guide to increasing traffic on my blog." At that time, I signed up with some blog listing services and began tracking responses. At KM World this year I was given a number of new ideas after listening to Bill Ives and other presenters. Below are some of the new things I'm trying:

1) Analyze my blog traffic by:
- Using Google search to look for links to my site (link: This does a pretty good job, but misses a lot of the links in other blogs.
- Using an RSS reader to see recent postings that mention my name or site. Seems better for blog traffic
- Looking at the URLs that referred people to my site. This is one of SiteMeter's (at the bottom of my blog) free features. I also look at what page of my blog they entered on.

2) Look at your more successful posts. I've found that lessons learned articles have high interest. My first CMS lessons learned article was captured on Tom Godfrey's blog. My second on was picked up on James Robertson's blog.

3) Linking within your posts and on other's sites. I'm trying whenever possible to add links to other blogger's sites. I've also posted comments on their sites and have asked some to include me on their blog roll. Good sites that I look at are Knowledge Jolt, Olaf's Notebook, John Quirk: On Content Management, and Portals and KM.

4) Tagging - I started using for tagging my documents with keywords. I seen an increase in traffic after starting to tag and was picked up by another feed service, Planet KM.

I'm still a novice at this, so if you have additional ideas let me know.


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