Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Blog Traffic - Results

It's been about a month since I started efforts to increase traffic on my blog. During this phase, I focused on adding my URL to blog listings. Results to date are:

- 148 hits and 298 page views in the past month
- The biggest day was a high of 60 hits. This occurred three days after getting on Blog Catalog. Since this time, there has only been a trickle of activity.
- Number of links to my site has increased from 4 to 13.
- Received 4 comments
- Had a one day flurry of spam hits

It seems that the traffic is related to the days I get added to a list. After an initial flurry, traffic dies down.

Being a scientist, I'm going to give it another month, then move to my next phase -- article marketing.


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